How To Get Into Shape After The Christmas Holidays

Plank, Fitness, Muscular, Exercising, Girl, Shape

We are all aware that the Christmas holidays are coming up and so too are the New Year celebrations. This is a time of the year when we really do throw our hair back and enjoy ourselves. Overindulgence is the name of the game and many of us take part in it readily. It’s only fair that you get to enjoy yourself after working hard all year and suffering from the stress and anxiety that you had to put up with until now. This is your opportunity to blow off a little bit of steam at the staff parties and so you’re going to drink a lot more beer than you usually do, and a lot more cake. As a result of all of this overeating, you’re going to put on a fair amount of weight and then in the New Year, you’re going to have to try to get rid of it again.

Maybe it’s your New Year’s resolution to get fit and to lose those excess kilograms, or it might be because your clothes don’t fit you anymore, but whatever your reasons you need to find a physical activity that will allow you to get into shape again. You can do all the usual aerobic exercises and weight training, but if you want to remain flexible then yoga is for you. In order to begin yoga, you’re going to need yoga pants from Decathlon as well as a rubber mat. There are a few other ways to get into shape after the holidays and there are certain tips that can keep you going in the right direction.

  1. Be realistic – Don’t set yourself unachievable goals like getting up at sunrise and going to run 5 km’s. If you have a job to go to in the mornings, it’s very unlikely that you’re going to get up at least an hour early to fit in some exercise. It’s more likely that you will try to do an exercise routine when you come back from work in the evenings. The same goes for your diet as well. Don’t just try to cut out everything that you love immediately, set yourself small, achievable targets and then take it from there. Certain foods can affect your health, so you need to figure out which ones they are and stay away from them.
  • Find an exercise that you like to do – It’s pointless making yourself, do a particular kind of exercise that you hate and you find really difficult to do. Sticking to an exercise routine is all about motivating yourself to do it, and so pick a workout that you like and do that. It is important that you are excited to do your exercises, so try to find an exercise class that offers yoga or maybe some spinning. Team sports are especially good as your team members will motivate you to take part and you also make many new friends. To learn about additional guidelines about keeping healthy and eating right, please have a look here.

It’s all about motivating yourself and sticking to what you have committed yourself to do. Getting in shape is not easy, so stick to your plan and you will see steady progress.