Patrick Lucchese is a man of many talents, but perhaps his most important one is his ability to help others. Through his work with Urban
Many people follow a routine of dragging themselves from bed in the morning to go to work and dragging themselves back into the same bed
I was attracted to Michelle’s storyline not only due to its face value (She dropped over 100lbs!!), but because she’s open about the battles she’s received on her trip. Michelle can be a fantastic example of somebody who understands that wellness & fitness isn’t simply
Read More: How Michelle Defeated Eating Issues and Misplaced 100+ pounds from Wholesome Eater.
She was raised being intimidated due to her weight and today she inspires individuals from all over the world. She moves individuals to change their lives. Having defeated an eating-disorder, and now combating additional wellness dilemmas, Lydia stays confident and
Read More: How Lydia Dropped 80lbs and Changed from Obese to Sportsman from Wholesome Eater.