Why are sardines so popular?

Did you know that sardines are some of the most valued fish around the world?

The fact itself is surprising judging by the size of the fish and how many of them there are in the sea, but it’s true nonetheless.

Sardines live together in large schools in temperate marine areas. They are known for living in schools numbering in the thousands. mostly in areas like the European, Australian, South African, Californian, and Chilean coasts. Sardines will only grow to about six or eight inches in length.

Why are they so popular?

Sardines are known as a delicacy to many worldwide. Because they are so desired in many parts of the world, sardines are netted thousands of them at a time. They are then cleaned up and shipped worldwide.

Sardines, especially when canned, are an extremely good source of Calcium.

Sardines are also desired as sources of food for other animals. Sardines are fed to dolphins, sharks, and other large fish that are held in captivity.

Sardines are also known as a source of oil extracted from their greasy body and as a ground fertilizer.

The main fact is that sardines are some of the few fish that have so many uses, which explains their high desirebility.