A stone age diet breakfast fit for cavemen and kings alike

For those who have yet to discover the stone age diet, it is a diet that uses the ingredients that were available to people when we were hunter gatherers. It allows for ingredients that can be picked, gathered, and hunted. This is the diet that we evolved to, and this is the main reason that it is cited as the recipe that is most suited to our bodies. If ever one hears anyone describe this diet as the most recent in a long line of fad diets then this is the line that should be spoke in reply: this is the oldest diet known to man, and the one our bodies are most prepared for.

Here are two stone age diet recipes that one could make to start their day in a fantastic way. These two recipes would be a great way to introduce the diet to oneself as well as beginning the day. One is a smoothie and one is a scramble. Enjoy:

A stone age smoothie

The ingredients:

 A cucumber

 An avocado

 A handful of spinach leaves

 A few sprigs of fresh mint and parsley

 A two centimeter piece of fresh ginger

 The juice from one lime

 Two tablespoons of melted coconut oil

 One tablespoon of hemp seeds

 One cup of natural coconut milk

 One kiwi, peeled

 Almond milk, for thinning

The method:

 Combine the ingredients in a blender, and serve when the mixture is smooth.

An egg and vegetable scramble

The ingredients:

 Coconut or olive oil to be used for frying

 One finely chopped red pepper, chopped into cubes

 One small white onion, finely chopped

 One garlic clove, finely chopped

 One half of a green chili, finely chopped and deseeded

 One small sweet potato, finely chopped into cubes

 Two high quality and gluten free sausages, chopped into bite-size pieces

 Five large beaten free range eggs

 One large handful of spinach

 A little fresh parsley

 A pinch of sea salt and a pinch of freshly cracked black pepper

 One large ripe avocado that has been lengthways sliced

The method:

 Heat some of the chosen oil in a frying pan and add the chopped sausage. Fry this for about five or so minutes, stirring the sausage constantly.

 Add the onion, the pepper, the chili, and the garlic into the hot pan, and cook them for aboout five minutes so that the ingredients are beginning to incorporate the flavor of the cooking sausage and the oil. Then one can add the sweet potato. Stir until the sweet potato is nearly cooked all the way through.

 Add the eggs with the spinach leaves, stirring the mixture thoroughly. Season the scramble with salt and pepper to taste when the eggs have finished cooking and the spinach leaves have wilted.

 After serving the scramble in bowls, serve a side bowl of avocado topped with parsley.

About the Author:

This article is written by Laura Donnovan. Laura is a freelance writer with more than 4 years and she is curently living in Denmark with her family. For even more useful information or if you want to check out the latest Laura’s article about Stone Age Diet in Q.dk magazine (or as Laura says Stenalderkost Q.dk) check out this web page.