Food poisoning can be a very serious issue, it brings with it major health concerns and can even cause death in some cases. If you think you have food poisoning it can be helpful to make sure you get the proper medical treatment. The last thing you want is to have to treat your sickness all by yourself, getting the proper medical treatment is extremely crucial.
Some of the easiest ways to limit your chances of getting food poisoning are to eat more organic foods, and be aware of where your food is coming from. When you eat higher quality foods these foods will naturally have less exposure to harmful chemicals and other bacterias that are given a chance to pollute less quality foods.
In this article we’re going to cover the reasons you should eat organic food to reduce your chances of getting food poisoning, and the steps you should take if you happen to get food poisoning.
Why do organic foods do better at preventing food poisoning?
Over 40 million people get some form of food poisoning every single year, and that’s just the number of cases that are reported. If you attempt to include unreported cases of food poisoning that number would be much higher. Some of the largest contributors to this number are meats such as chicken and beef. Aside, from meats other greens such as spinach and salad mixes also contribute to that high number.
Foods that are organic have stricter requirements for their growth, production and manufacturing. These regulations end up making it harder for food borne illnesses and bacteria to spread. Also, food that is grown in an organic manner tends to be healthier, due to those same standards.
How can I reduce my risk of food poisoning?
There are a few different ways you can minimize your risk of getting food poisoning. For instance, when you prepare your food always ensure that you wash your hands before and after handling any meat, or even any food whatsoever. Also, make sure that you always wash all fruits and vegetables before you eat or cook them.
Ensure that you always cook your meats to the recommended temperature, undercooked meat is a big contributor to food poisoning. Bacteria’s that cause illness cannot survive past a certain temperature, so cooking your meat past that point will go a long way towards making your food safer.
What steps should I take if food poisoning does occur?
I hope this article has been helpful and you have a better idea of why you need to eat more organic foods in your life. Besides the health reasons of eating more organic foods, they can also lower you and your families chances of contracting a food borne illness, or food poisoning. Remember, if you do get food poisoning seek medical treatment as soon as possible, this will increase your chances of having a smooth recovery.
The biggest contributor to food poisoning is obviously the treatment of your food, so do whatever is in your power to minimize your risk. This includes buying healthier foods, and utilizing safe and effective preparation and cooking procedures.
Zane Schwarzlose is a writer at The McMinn Law Firm, a personal injury law firm in Austin, Texas. Zane did not enjoy the last time he got food poisoning at a restaurant.