Health Nut: Five Foods To Introduce Into Your Winter Diet

During the winter months, the human body becomes deficient in a variety of nutrients and essential vitamins and minerals. These deficiencies range from mild to severe, depending upon the individual’s diet, and physical activity level. Winter brings about more than colder weather, and lack of direct sunlight, affecting even the healthiest person. A low level of vitamin D is common during the winter season. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to mental and physical issues such as depressed mood and anxiety. While it may be difficult to obtain some nutrients from a proper diet, there are five foods to introduce into your winter diet that can fill in the gaps left by the cold temperatures.



Nuts and seeds are excellent choices during the winter months to add to your diet. Rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and minerals, fresh raw nuts and seeds are the most nutrient-filled dietary choice. Include in the diet plenty of almonds, flax seed, and walnuts. All three have a high content of essential fatty acids which are good for keeping cholesterol at appropriate levels. Flax seed is one of the foods that should be included in the diet for its high fiber content. A diet rich in fiber, especially in the winter months, can leave you feeling satisfied for longer, and improve your digestive system.



Adding spices to food is a good way of improving the taste and nutritional value during the winter. Spices such as cinnamon are excellent for maintaining balanced glucose levels. High sugar in the bloodstream can cause serious dips in mood, cause fatigue, and can raise the risk of heart disease. Cinnamon’s nutritional makeup helps to counteract the sugars that may be in excess of what the body requires. Ginger is another spice that has been used for centuries as a flavor enhancer, and a medicinal root, especially in Asian countries. Ginger has a natural spicy tang to its flavor, which is also helpful to relieve nausea and improve digestion.



Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D, which are both needed to maintain healthy bones and teeth. Calcium is also necessary for proper nervous system function, which directly affects levels of anxiety and mood. Winter months are long and the daylight is scarce. Keeping a healthy nervous system is important.



A healthy dietary choice for the wintertime is oatmeal. This food is high in fiber and complex carbohydrates. Oatmeal should be made from freshly milled oats, not the instant types that are sweetened and sold in packages.



Fish, especially the types that contain omega-3 fatty acids, are another healthy choice for the colder weather. One of the best choices is salmon. Salmon contains an abundance of fatty acids as well as being pleasing to the palette.


For further information on health and wellness, take a look at Melaleuca reviews. The list of products such as supplements, vitamins, and health products that are available will make healthy living easier. This winter don’t be dragged down with the blues. Take steps to prevent poor health and boost your mood.