Top 6 Foods for Dental Health

Top 6 Foods for Dental Health

Everyone loves a radiant smile. However, it doesn’t come without some effort. But in reality, oral hygiene isn’t as difficult as people imagine. In fact, you can take care of your teeth even as you eat. How? According to the American Dental Association, healthy eating can help deter tooth decay. In contrast, poor choice of food can negatively impact your oral health. That said, below is a rundown of healthy foods to help with your dental health.

Carrots and leafy greens

Vegetables are rich in vitamins that encourage saliva production, which help in cleaning your mouth. Leafy greens contain nutrients like folic acid, calcium, and vitamin B, essential for your enamel health and general body health.

Carrots contain vitamin C, keratins, and calcium, which offer vital dental benefits. Additionally, eating raw carrots helps clean your teeth, just like the natural toothbrush. When they mix with saliva, carrots help wash away harmful bacteria and food particles.

Dairy products

Do you want healthy teeth? If so, don’t forget to include cheese, milk, and yogurt in your menu. Cheese is low in sugar and high in calcium, which is essential for building teeth density. Additionally, cheese contains casein, a protein that is vital for strengthening the tooth enamel.

Cheese also contains phosphate necessary for maintaining an optimal PH in the mouth, protecting the tooth enamel. Finally, chewing cheese encourages saliva production, which helps in washing away harmful bacteria.

Just like cheese, milk is rich in calcium and other nutrients essential for building healthy teeth. Furthermore, milk helps to regulate acidity in the mouth, protecting the enamel. Yogurt is packed with nutrients (like calcium) and probiotics that deter cavities, gum diseases, and bad breath.


Water is free, yet the healthiest drink you can think of. For your teeth, water helps strengthen your teeth (especially if fluoridated), keeps saliva levels high, and helps wash away food particles that could lead to tooth decay and bad breath.

Apple and pears

Are you tempted to grab candy or dessert? Shelve that idea. Instead, grab an apple or a pear. Why? Apples are high in fiber that is good for your body. Again, eating apples stimulates saliva production that helps to neutralize the acid in your mouth. Similarly, unlike citric fruits, pears help stabilize the PH level in your mouth, deterring tooth decay.


Nuts like almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts are loaded with phosphorus and calcium, vital for teeth and gum health. Peanuts are an incredible source of vitamin D and calcium essential for dental health. Cashews encourage saliva production, and walnuts contain a wide array of nutrients, including vitamin E, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, fiber, and potassium.

Tea, coffee, and lean meat

Have you ever heard of polyphenols? These are chemicals naturally found in some drinks we take, including tea and coffee. But what’s the fuss about polyphenols? They offer numerous benefits, like acting as antioxidants, which prevent cell damage and reduce body inflammation. Additionally, unsweetened black tea offers plaque-fighting ingredients vital for dental health.

On the other hand, meat, fish, and poultry contain proteins and phosphorus that help keep the teeth healthy, especially the enamel. Again, chewing meat stimulates saliva production necessary to wash away bacteria and maintain optimal PH level in the mouth.

To wrap it up

A diet that promotes oral health isn’t all about the food you ingest, or avoid-timing is equally essential. For instance, eating raw foods at the end of your meal helps protect your teeth by massaging your gums and stimulating saliva production that helps clean food particles left.

Finally, if you like snacking, avoid sugary and acidic foods that damage your teeth. Instead, opt for healthy foods like fruits, veggies, or a piece of cheese for maximum oral health.