Joe Jedlowski Shares How His Diet Impacts His Business Performance

joe jedlowski on healthy diet
joe jedlowski on healthy diet

Everyone wants to be that employee crunching all the numbers and getting better pay because of efficiency. Likewise, every business wants to attract more customers, make more profit, and continue to expand. 

There are different factors for people’s success, but we are interested in how a person’s diet can improve their performance. The food we eat works in our bodies like gas in a gasoline engine. It is the fuel that keeps our body moving. While many people just eat to quench their hunger, what you eat could be significant in getting the results you desire.

We spoke to a business expert, Joe Jedlowski, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Distinctive Living, on his opinion on business issues and the role of his diet in his business performance. 

Here is what Joe Jedlowski, who has led the boards of different organizations in the US, had to tell us.

How do you measure your business success?

For most people, business success is measured in profit. For me, it’s a lot more than that. 

Joe Jedlowski: I judge whether a particular period in business was successful by how much we could stay aligned with our business values. For example, at Distinctive Living, we value inclusion and diversity. So, a critical success indicator is when we see that our staffs and residents have the best possible environment.

Of course, profit is an essential indicator of business success, but it also includes our business culture, relationship with our customers, staff, society, and more.

What are the factors that influence your performance in business?

Joe Jedlowski: I would classify them into two: personal factors and external factors. For the personal factors, my diet, environment, and ability to adapt to changes. On external factors, it’s mostly the people I have to work with. 

Whenever I have a task to complete, I do my best to influence all these factors to work perfectly. So far, it has worked for me. As a business executive, I can’t be giving excuses; I have to make things work. 

Do you think a person’s diet affects their business performance?

Joe Jedlowski: Yes, definitely. Initially, I did not take my diet seriously at all until I got advice from a professional. Since then, I have carefully managed my diet to keep me performing optimally.

From your personal experience as an executive, has your diet ever affected your business performance?

Joe Jedlowski: There was a time when I used to take high-fat meals daily for lunch. Those times, I always saw a decline in my productivity after the lunch break. Since I started being more intentional about planning my diet right, I haven’t experienced that. 

Now, I’m able to stay more active through my working hours and get more stuff done. Honestly, the difference is not always so noticeable. When I consider how I work now against before, I know there has been a change.

What diet would you recommend to a person looking to improve his business performance?

Joe Jedlowski: You should see a professional, but here is a general guide I frequently share. As a basic rule, you should never skip breakfast. It would help if you got your brain ready for the day by eating in the morning. 

Also, if you are like the old me and you snack on high-fat meals at lunch break every day, you need to stop. Get some healthy snacks to chew on before lunch break to sustain your energy. 

At lunch breaks, eat something healthy too, not some cheap high-fat snack. And remember to stay hydrated throughout the day.

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