Jimmy John Liautaud Is Someone Living That All American Dream

The United States is a place of incredible promise. People come here from all over the world hoping to make their dreams come true. One person who has seen an incredible dream of his own come to life is second generation American Jimmy John Liautaud. His mom came here from Lithuania. His dad spent many years exploring the world of business in great depth. It would all pay off for his son when he took a flier, trusted his instincts and started an empire that continues to this day. What looks like instant success is built on a foundation of tremendous success and a willingness to go beyond the basics. Hard work and dedication to discipline have paid off for him. It’s one quality that he talks about proudly when sharing his story with other people. He was able to tap into his own skills and do something that he knew he was good at in life. 

Working Really Hard

One of the fundamental rules of his success has been his total willingness to work hard. His chosen business is the delivery of high quality sandwiches to an awaiting client base. He realized early this was an industry that, above all, required people to work really hard. He started off working eighteen hour days. This was a necessary part of his ability to do well and achieve the American dream on his own terms. He knew that it wasn’t simply what you said. You had to be there to demonstrate how to behave with others. He was there to show what could be done with lots of hard work and a sense of sheer determination. While he knew the business wasn’t for everyone, he ultimately knew that it was for him. His ability to be there for his clients made him happy and gave him a great deal of success in life. 

A Background That Taught Him Much

Of all the things that formed his life, it is his background that taught him perhaps the most. He was born in 1964 as the second oldest of four kids to a family in the heartland. His mom and dad taught him to see the world as a place to explore where anything could happen. It was their value set that he would keep with him as he thought about the world he wanted to create for himself. His own father tried out many different ventures in life before finding the right path. Watching his father take chances in life convinced him that he could do the same and find his own way. His father also displayed confidence in his son. It was his father’s loan that helped him start that very first business. The rest was sandwich shop history for young Liautaud

Heading Off to Fly 

After he graduated from high school, he looked around carefully. While his dad wanted him to enter the army, he felt it in his bones that he could find success in the field of retail. He and his dad rapidly came to an agreement that would stand them both in good stead. His son had to leave the nest. In turn, his father would agree to give him a start up loan to begin a business. That single idea became the very foundation for one of the most famous names across the country. With the motto of the world’s greatest sandwiches and a well chosen location, it was a decision that would lead to big things. Today, he’s busy leading his own version of the American dream with great happiness.