Healthy Eating And Your Hair

Healthy eating is much more than substitutes to the odd meal it is a complete lifestyle choice that can differ from person to person. With everyone’s bodies reacting in different ways depending on changes that you make the main signs of balding can easily be prevented with the right changes to your diet. Here are some of the changes you can make for the best possible results.


Eggs are a great addition to anyone’s diet when looking to grow your hair as it has protein, vitamin D and Zinc which are just some of the many nutrients that your hair needs in order to grow. Eggs can be eaten on toast in the morning as well as in omelettes along with a number of other vegetables helping you to be healthy both inside and out. A scrambled egg can also be placed into a healthy summer salad or in a sandwich to further incorporate this into your diet allowing your body to reap the benefits. In addition to eating them, egg white can also be applied directly onto the scalp to nourish and strengthen the hair.  


Although this is a key part of a balanced diet, meat can also be good for the hair due to the vast quantities of protein that is in it. In addition to this, there are also elements such as Iron and salt which are all vital to human body function. Meat is also rich in iodine which will help with normal bodily function to the vital organs meaning that hair will be less likely to fall out as a result. The simple addition of ham or turkey is the perfect option for lunches to incorporate the meat into your diet if you are not the biggest fan.


Another addition to your diet for healthy happy hair is the power of strawberries. Not only do they have a number of antioxidants that are great for the health of the scalp as well as vitamin C to fight dandruff and promote growth. This tasty fruit is also perfect for preventing hair loss as they have folic acid and vitamin B% which are both known to help aid this process. This can be used in smoothies as well as other recipes to maintain healthy hair as well as a healthy all-around lifestyle.


Fish is already known for the benefits that it has on the brain and overall thinking. However, it can also be beneficial for the hair. Not only is the meat full of protein but it is also omega rich which promotes the health of the hair nourishing it from the inside out. Fish such as salmon, haddock and cod are all easily incorporated within a diet and can be cooked and eaten in a multitude of different ways. If cooked fish isn’t something that appeals to you there are also a number of other options in the form of sushi which are rich in protein allowing you to try something different within your diet.

So whether you are looking to opt for some of these in your daily diet or some of the other dietary changes available there are a number of ways that healthy eating will help your hair. Where will you begin?