This is the time of year when I get super excited about food. There are recipes in my family that only come out at Christmas or Hanukkah that have been handed down for generations. Cakes, pies, candies and cookies, mom’s special fudge recipe, all are just waiting to tempt the palate and expand the waist. It’s no better at work or play with all the office parties, fundraisers and potluck invitations that roll in. My fitness tracker won’t be able to keep up with all the steps I’ll have to take to work it off. In fact, I’m thinking of giving the thing a break until after the new year.
It’s interesting that this year there was a class action suit against makers of those fitness trackers. Users complained that even though they were following the manufacturer’s recommendations for caloric intake and increased activity, they were gaining weight. Still, the overwhelming majority of users say they love their trackers. They provide real time information and positive reinforcement. Some blame the weight gain phenomena on a “one size fits all” approach, that can’t account for the subtle differences in metabolism among the average person.
If you are concerned about the amount of food you are likely to consume this season, do yourself a favor and buy some athleisure wear, workout gear and good shoes before the new year starts so you can be ready on day one to get out there and work it off. If you start your shopping now, you’ll find great deals on activewear, exercise equipment and all the accessories you need to gear up. Using a site like Groupon will make the search easy. They offer deep discounts on name brand, top quality merchandise and you can also qualify for free shipping with purchase. You can use a Groupon to save 20% to 30% off items by Jimmy Jazz for the whole family, and up to 50% of selected footwear.
Using a fitness tracking device to keep up with the work you’re putting in at the gym may not be the best way to reach your goal, but there’s one thing for certain – you’ve got to “burn it to earn it.”