The Role of Dietary Supplements in Weight Management

Hectic lifestyles, demands on time, and processed foods with less and less nutrients have led to an epidemic of overweight people around the globe. Fitting regular exercise into schedules is increasingly difficult, and eating on the run precludes healthy meals prepared at home, and eaten slowly. Bodies are getting too much salt, sugar, and fat, and not enough of the essential vitamins and minerals needed to lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight. Many people are turning to dietary supplements for help.

Products for Weight Loss:

Weight loss is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States. Products are on the market that claim extreme results with no effort, or changes in lifestyle. There are some that ensure unrealistic weight loss in a matter of a few days. Among the ridiculous and the dangerous are natural weight loss products that can really help people who are trying to lose weight. The difficult part is to find what is helpful, and stay away from what is not. The natural weight management products are often on the same shelves as the unhealthy products.

The healthy methods for losing weight, such as diet and exercise, can be boosted by natural dietary supplements. Most supplements contain vitamins, such as D and C, and minerals, essential oils, amino acids, and enzymes. Many ingredients are found in nature, but fail to make it into bodies. Fruits are modified, sprayed with chemicals, and waxed or polished with more solutions to look perfect and shiny. That depletes them of nutrients and vitamins. Natural supplements and ionized water, help replace some of those vitamins and minerals.

Many essential oils for weight management are found in healthy foods that are not part of daily diets. For example, combinations of oils which include cinnamon bark, ginger, peppermint, and lemon may naturally reduce cravings, stabilize blood sugar levels, and help the body use fat as energy instead of storing it. Cooking and baking from scratch used to provide plenty of cinnamon in a diet. That practice is not as prevalent anymore, so using cinnamon oil becomes a viable substitute. Ginger and peppermint oil support digestion; and lemon and grapefruit oil promote healthy metabolism. A few drops of these oils daily can enhance weight management efforts.

Managing a Healthy Weight:

People who are at a healthy weight may be having difficulty maintaining a healthy weight. Travel for business, working overnight shifts, or juggling work and home can get in the way of healthy meal preparation, and regular exercise. Adding weight can happen quickly, and is often not noticed until ten pounds have been put on. That is the basic difference in most clothing sizing, so when pants do not fit well, or dresses get tight, that means approximately ten pounds of weight has been added.

Some natural weight management products to consider include supplements high in calcium, vitamin B and D, and omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils.