Another great low carb diet that will help you lose weight quickly is the Atkins diet. It was specifically designed for quick weight loss and people who have followed the diet claim that they have lost 15 pounds of fat within the first two weeks. The results can be excellent but it is up to you to commit to the diet. You will need to track your daily calorie intake to make sure you don’t consume too many calories. Although counting calories is difficult at first soon you will be able to keep track of your calories without any complications.
The Atkins diet is based on the idea of eating “fatty” food such as carbs, meat, and starches to lose weight. It may come as surprise that you can lose weight from eating food that contains high quantities of fat but it is possible. In fact, unlike most diets, this diet encourages you to eat meat such as chicken, beef, and eggs on a regular basis. The diet is divided into 4 phases where you progressively eat more with each phase. The first phase is the most effective if your goal is to lose weight quickly. The remaining phases are designed to keep you progressing towards your weight loss goal while still keeping your body fit and healthy.