5 Tips to Heal Skin Inflammation

If you’ve ever experienced skin inflammation, then you know how uncomfortable it is. Skin inflammation, or skin dermatitis, is typically a rash and red patches. However, sometimes it also shows up in the form of pimples and blisters. 

Skin becomes inflamed due to many reasons. For example, you may have an allergic reaction, an infection, or a disease affecting your skin.

Whatever the cause may be of your skin condition, there are ways to combat it. Keep reading to gain insight on how to heal skin inflammation and, in the process, improve your skin.

1. Spend Less Time in the Sun 

Being outside and enjoying the sunshine is good for you. You soak up much-needed vitamin D from the sun’s rays that way! But, unfortunately, being out in the sun too long is not always good for your skin. 

Not only can too much sun exposure result in skin cancer, but it dries out your skin. In addition, skin that’s irritated from the sun isn’t fun to deal with.

The next time you spend time outdoors, don’t leave without a hat and sunglasses. And, if possible, stay out of the sun during the hottest hours of the day. Usually, UV is strongest at noon and between 10 am and 4 pm. 

2. Use Fewer Skin Products 

If you’ve been wearing a lot of makeup and facial products as of late, that could be the cause of your inflamed skin. The solution is simple: Use fewer products. 

All the makeup and lotion you’re applying could be causing skin issues. So for a few weeks, you may want to try wearing less makeup or only using the essentials. 

It could be that your skin is super sensitive, and you’re allergic to some ingredients. If that’s the case, try applying only a few products at a time to see how your skin responds. Doing a skin test, so to speak, should help you narrow down what may be giving your skin grief. 

See if trying these tips clears up your skin and makes it less inflamed. It should, given that sometimes having too many ingredients on your skin can irritate it. 

3. Take Oral Medications 

There are various oral medications you can take by mouth to combat skin inflammation.

A few oral medications include: 

  • Antihistamines – treats allergies 
  • Dapsone – relieves itching and redness from dermatitis 
  • Prescription medications – helps with skin conditions like psoriasis

If you’re already taking other medication, it’s best to consult with your doctor. Even over-the-counter allergy medication can conflict with medications. Ask your pharmacist or doctor before taking something new to be on the safe side.

Besides oral medication, you may also want to consider using a topical cream or medication. Again, consult with your doctor to determine what’s best for you.

4. Give Your Skin Extra Moisture 

Even if your skin doesn’t like you at the moment, applying moisturizer can offer protection. 

While your skin is healing, lotion can act as a protective barrier. You’re less likely to get a skin infection when there’s a layer on top of the broken skin. 

So that you don’t further irritate your skin, look for a gentle lotion. The last thing you need is for your skin to break out, so stick with something that’s calming.

If it has ingredients like aloe vera, that’s even better. Aloe vera is an excellent natural ingredient that feels great and can also treat your skin. 

5. Go the More Natural Route 

Besides aloe vera, there are more natural ways to reduce skin inflammation. A few different natural methods are essential oils and the use of cannabis. 

Essential Oils 

Many people swear by natural oils to treat their skin. A few favorites are tea tree and lavender, which may calm and heal the skin.

If you have scars from acne and other skin issues, tea trees can reduce scarring. Plus, it may combat bacteria and infection. 

Similarly, lavender is another oil that people like. People love lavender oil not only for its smell but for its positive effects on the skin. 

Lavender reduces skin inflammation and, like tea tree, it can aid in the skin’s recovery, as well.

Cannabis via CBD and Green Dragon Tincture

Another natural treatment is using CBD cream or Green Dragon tincture. You take Green Dragon tincture orally, and it combines cannabis and pure grain alcohol. 

Many people take edibles to relieve pain and discomfort relating to physical ailments, which include skin issues. But edibles can take too long to ease your pain. Since it takes a while, making Green Dragon tincture is an excellent alternative. 

If you do end up making or trying Green Dragon tincture, you may want to consume it with a food or beverage. Otherwise, even having a few drops of it can be pretty intense. 


Skin inflammation is a common condition that affects almost everyone. While it’s uncomfortable and can make your skin dry and itchy, there are ways to heal your skin.

Follow these tips, and it’s also wise to consult with your doctor for more pressing skin issues. Depending on what’s going on, they may suggest a specific form of treatment. And in some cases, they may prescribe you a prescription medication. 

In closing, always continue to look out for your skin health, and your skin will thank you!