5 Tips for Planning Your Next Corporate Function

You’re a good organizer, and you’ve done it before, so your boss has tasked you with planning the big corporate function. It’s a fun task, but also rather stressful. You want everything to go well, and you want the event to be a memorable one. Deciding on a venue is just the beginning. Now, you want to do something that’s different from last time around. Try these tips to get the edge.

1. Go for Healthy Food Options and Stunning Presentation

To be sure that you get professional results, you’re hiring a corporate catering company. Make sure that they’re on-trend with a healthy menu that includes options for vegetarians and vegans. Emphasize the importance of immaculate and creative food presentation so that the meal becomes a feast for the eyes that won’t be forgotten in any hurry. With the food dressed to impress, it’s time to focus your attention on decorating the venue.

2. Choose Venue Decor That Matches Your Company’s Brand

No matter what landmark you are celebrating, the styling of your venue will always hark back to your company’s branding. What is the brand personality? What are its colors? These clues will lead you to your selection of everything from tablecloths to wall decor and lighting. Create a focal point for speakers and ensure that seating is arranged so that all guests can view the podium easily.

4. Appoint a Photographer with an Events Track-Record

There’s a lot more mileage to be gotten out of an event than the event itself. Event photos could be used to add interest to your company’s websites, newsletters, and brochures. And if awards are to be handed out, their recipients would be thrilled to receive a framed photograph to commemorate their achievement. VIP delegates will be equally pleased to receive images of themselves. After all, it’s not every day that sees us tricked out in all our finery.

5. Appoint the Right People to Manage Sound and Lighting

Nothing yells “amateurish” as loudly as a microphone screaming with feedback or a need to delay proceedings to get the tech just right. Sound, lighting, media screens and projectors must all be set up and tested well before the guests begin to arrive. Ask the experts how long it will take and then add an hour or two on top of that to make provision for the unforeseen.

5. Go Through the Program and Plan for Seamless Transitions

Time is limited and you don’t want to leave your guests to get bored. Go through the program carefully, and find ways to make it flow smoothly and seamlessly with minimal wait time. Before the applause for one speaker or award-winner has died down, the next one is poised to make their entrance. Technicians in charge of sound and lighting know just what cues to deliver and when, and all concerned are briefed on their roles and their positions in the program. If it is a complex one, a rehearsal is in order!

One Final Check

When you think the venue is ready, your work is still far from done. Your next step will be a thorough inspection. Check every detail no matter how small. Every place-setting must be perfect. Every tech tool must be ready and in working order. Gifts and prizes must be ready and waiting and perfectly packaged. Don’t miss a single detail! Your corporate event will be as slick and well-produced as anything Hollywood has to offer. Now calm your nerves, and remember to smile!