The Chocolate Pancakes Recipe

If you love eating pancakes for breakfast but are bored with using the same recipe every day, why don’t you try making chocolate pancakes for a tastier breakfast? You could even eat these for brunch or as snacks.

If you already know how to make the normal pancakes, preparing chocolate ones is going to be a very simple task for you. You can serve them with extra-added maple syrup or chocolate syrup along with a spoonful of whipped cream on the top to make them extra delicious!

If you are a chocolate-crazy person, then this alternative is surely the best breakfast ever invented for you! Pancakes with the goodness of an added ingredient chocolate!

Note down the following ingredients.

You will need:

A cup of flour

2-3 spoons of sugar

teaspoon salt (to taste)

cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1 cup buttermilk

1 or 2 eggs

2 tablespoons of melted butter

1 teaspoon vanilla

And follow these steps to make your chocolate pancakes just perfect.

Mix the flour, sugar, salt and cocoa powder together and whisk with a beater until all blends well enough.

Now, it is time to mix the buttermilk, eggs, butter, and vanilla.

Combine together all of these ingredients into a bowl to create a chunky batter out of them.

Get your grill ready on a medium flame.

You can apply some vegetable oil so that the batter doesn’t get stuck to your griddle.

Now, pour around cup of batter for each pancake into the pan and cook it for 2-3 minutes.

After the edges turn golden brown, flip the pancake and cook it on the other side.

Add a bit of butter while it is still hot.

Then, serve fresh topping it with the option of your choice. It could be anything from syrups and jams to the cream or fresh fruits, marshmallows and candy sprinkles.

With such an easy recipe to follow, even the ones who do not know how to cook that well can make chocolate pancakes for themselves and enjoy eating a super tasty yet healthy breakfast in the mornings.

If you are a mom who is tired of your kids’ nag to make something different and tasty every day as afterschool snacks, and you really don’t know what to do, then this recipe is going to solve all your evening snack time problems. You don’t have to bother anymore about your children eating all the junk and unhealthy food either. These pancakes contain a rich nutritive value too!

You kids and family are certainly going to be impressed and are going to ask you for more. Consider this an appreciation for the work well done!

Try preparing the new chocolate pancakes recipe at your home today, and let us know about what your experience was with it. If there is anything at all that you wish to share or ask us about then feel free to leave your comments below here, in the comment box.

For other great and easy to make chocolate pancakes recipes, please be sure to check out Femina’s website – or like they say in Danish pandekager Femina.