Nootropics for Beginners

Wading through the uncharted waters of nootropics can be confusing for many newbies. If you are entirely new to nootropics or have tried and are yet to find any satisfactory results, this mini guide is for you.

I’ve tried to answer the most basic questions about finding the right nootropics for you, and attempted to cover all the possible angles from ‘what’ to ‘why’, ‘who’ to ‘how’, and ‘when’ to anything else.

There is no denying nootropics can be puzzling or even intimidating for people who have never used them before. Sometimes, it can be difficult to make sense of the vast world of nootropics, even if you’ve been using them for a while. So, I’ve decided to create a mini guide to help you find the right nootropics by answering five crucial ‘W’ and ‘H’ questions.

What… should you be looking for?

Finding the right nootropics as a beginner starts with searching for the most basic ones. Once you’ve found options you think you might like to try, look out for what the nootropic contains.

It’s very important to check the kind of ingredients used in the nootropic. Be wary of brands that use cheap ingredients, because chances are, you’d only be dealing with a diluted substance.

Also, look out for the amount of ingredients used in the nootropic. While you might find that a nootropic contains the right ingredients, if it’s not the appropriate quantity, it will not reap results, leaving you with an ineffective nootropic.

The brand of nootropic matters as much as the ingredients. Beware of false marketing hype, especially with brands that establish and reinforce false expectations. To help you tie this all up, read feedback and reviews online, as they are often more reliable than what the distributor or manufacturer has to say.

How…should you do it?

Again, it is important to start basic and slow. Take your time and find out what each ingredient in your nootropic does. Go slowly and allow yourself to test it and understand how it will affect your body.

This is important, because the way it will affect you might be different from the effect it will have on someone else. When you start with as low as one or two noots, you’ll be avoiding overshooting the mark, as one compound might actually be all you need. Also, you’ll find it easy to determine what effect each compound has on you.

Why… nootropics in the first place?

Before you even start, you have to ask yourself exactly why you’re taking nootropics and why you chose a particular nootropic . You need to define what your personal goals are and exactly what you hope your nootropic intake will do for you, in terms of cognitive benefits.

It also matters if you’re not in perfectly good shape and have a serious medical condition that may be affected by your nootropic intake. Finally, decide whether you’ll be better off using a nootropic stack or a single nootropic supplement and why either option would work better for you.

Who…should you ask for help?

It’s easier to find out from someone around you what nootropics to use, but you must bear in mind that person’s personal goals might not be the same as yours. If they’re taking a nootropic you’d like to try, you could ask them about how it affected them.

Your best bet for finding what works for you is by learning from a nootropics expert. That way, you’ll have all the guidance you’ll ever need.

When…could you start to experience side effects?

You have higher chances of experiencing side effects the higher the dosage of nootropics and the more nootropics you add. This is exactly why you should not start off by building a complicated stack.

When you start to experience side effects, start all over, but slowly. If you had taken too many different cholinergic supplements, cut the dosage in half. If you had used more than one product, narrow down the culprit by cutting out products through trial and error.

When…they simply don’t work?

It’s easy to feel discouraged when it seems a nootropic does not work after you’ve taken it in the recommended dosage. Bear in mind that the most awesome nootropics take their time to work their magic in your system and produce the desired results.

Also, sometimes you might get slightly different results than what you expected, but before you give up on the product, use it for at least two weeks.

On a final note, nootropics should be approached with the right mind-set and not rushed. Do that, and you’ll have solved half of your problems.