Knowing the different types of bottled water

Water is one of the most important things in our lives. We use it for hundreds of different things such as cleaning, cooking, gardening and agriculture and many other things, along with the main one of course, which is to drink it. When you are in the supermarket doing your shopping, you have probably noticed the huge range of bottled water available basic bottles to custom labeled water bottles. There are many differences between the types you can buy, and they are not all equal in terms of purity, taste and price. 

There are so many brands and types of bottled water that sometimes you may be overwhelmed by the choice. Some people will buy a specific type of bottled water based on the brand, others will base their purchase purely on the price. Everyone has different reasons for buying the bottled water that they do. 

However, it is important to know the differences between them. Here we will take a look at the three main types of bottled water, and what makes them different.

Spring water

Water that is defined by its origins is usually called spring water. It is water that in most instances comes from a single course, usually underground. Spring water will not have passed through any type of CWS (Community Water System) which is the main public source of water to a specific population.

Spring water will be water that has avoided contamination or pollution due to it being protected against vulnerability measures. The water won’t have been treated or gone through any modification unless allowed so by the standards that regulate the spring water. It will remain at the place of its origin until it is bottled and distributed for consumption around the country. 

You can find a wide range of bottled spring water available at stores all over the country. Some of the most popular include Diamond Rock Spring Water, which is sourced from the Kittatinny Mountains.

One of the main benefits of drinking spring water is that it oxygenates the cells in the body. Drinking it daily can have a positive effect on your circulation, food digestion and sustaining a healthy weight.

Mineral water

Mineral water is similar to spring water in that it comes from an underground source, which carries a guarantee that it is protected from pollution and contamination and retains its original chemical composition. You will find the name of the source on the label on the bottle, such as Evian, which is one of the most famous mineral waters in the world.

The water should contain a mineral composite that is consistent and include potassium, calcium and magnesium amongst others. Mineral water is also packaged very close to where the water exits from the source. 

It is claimed that drinking mineral water has some health benefits as it contains a number of minerals that our bodies are unable to create themselves. There are also some people who claim that drinking mineral water can also help manage low blood pressure, though there is no concrete medical evidence to support this claim.

Prepared water

The third type of bottled water that you will find available in most stores is Prepared Water, which also goes by other names such as Mountain or Table water. You might also see the wording “Purified Water” or “Drinking Water” on the labels of the bottles.

This type of water can originate from any water supply, including the public water that is distributed to your local neighbourhood. Prepared water is, as the name suggests, prepared for consumption, so it is more than likely to have been treated in order to be compliant with any safety requirement for pre-packaged water. 

Bottled water may all look the same on the inside once you’ve got past the different labels and bottle design, but there are certainly many differences that are invisible to the eye. Which type of bottled a person prefers is entirely up to the individual. It is the same as wine, which can look very similar, but which have many different tastes and preferences among those who drink it.

Prepared water will be the cheapest type of bottled water that you can purchase, and will probably be the least pure. However, it is still regarded and safe for consumption, and is vital in countries around the world where clean drinking water is not readily available to the public.

All types of bottled water have their place in the world. Not everyone will be able to afford bottles of Evian water to drink each day. Some people may also choose to drink bottled water simply because the tap water in their homes is too hard or has a taste that many people do not like. If public water in your local neighborhood is treated with high levels of chlorine, this can sometimes leave an aftertaste that many people cannot tolerate.