Essential Instant Pot Safety Tips

We have all heard the pressure cooker horror stories of the past, where people have forgotten about what they have brewing and messy explosions have ensued. The Instant Pot is, by definition, a type of pressure cooker but designed with multiple safety features so it is really unlikely anything to go wrong.

Corrie Cooks, the creator of a renowned Instant Pot blog, has commented on its features in the past and how the Instant Pot creators included 10 safety features to keep users safe. Corrie Cooks comments on the steam release valve, anti-block shields, automatic temperature control, and burn protection. Corrie Cooks does mention that, even with these features, it is still important to adhere to the Instant Pot safety tips whenever you use the appliance.

For example, when using an Instant Pot you should always adhere to the safety markings and never fill to the top of the pot when cooking. If you are cooking with ingredients that may expand when cooked (rice, pasta, beans) then it is vital that you leave enough room in the Instant Pot for these ingredients to cook properly. If you ignore this advice, it is likely that your Instant Pot will explode from the pressure accumulated throughout the cooking time. If you are struggling for size with your Instant Pot then Corrie Cooks suggests upscaling to a large model.

Even though the Instant Pot takes the work out of the kitchen, it is important to not leave the appliance entirely on its own when it is cooking. For instance, don’t leave the house whilst you have the pressure applied in the pot, Corrie Cooks advises that you should always be around to watch out for any warning signs or mishaps that may occur.

It may seem a little obvious but, as delicious as your food might smell, never open your Instant Pot during or straight after it has finished cooking. When opening your Instant Pot up, make sure that your face is not directly above the pot or any valves and open the lid at a safe distance. Corrie Cooks suggests always using an oven mitt or kitchen towel to protect your hands from any scalding.

Lastly, as tempting as it may be, when you first get your Instant Pot try to refrain from embarking on any ambitious recipes. Instead, start off slow and get used to how the appliance works. There are hundreds of great recipes online, many of which on Corrie Cooks’ blog too, but make sure that you start out with meals and treats that are easy to manage and don’t require too much high pressure cooking. Many newcomers have tried out deep frying with their brand new instant pots and this has ended in many instant pots becoming damaged or permanently broken.

Instant Pots are great appliances that can revolutionize your downtime by providing quick, yummy, and healthy meals with minimum effort. Follow these safety tips to make sure you and your Instant Pot remain safe every time.