Studies have shown that eating high a high fiber diet during pregnancy could correlate with a reduced risk of Celiac disease in children.
What you take in while you’re pregnant affects the development of the unborn baby in your womb, that’s why many specialists recommend that expecting mothers try their best to stick to a healthy diet and try to avoid foods that won’t be good for them and the baby.
Making life easier for your children is a constant goal. You want them to be happy and seek to do your best to ensure their health and safety at all times.
If there was a way to help your unborn baby, wouldn’t you want to do it? Eating more fiber during pregnancy seems to be a simple method to keep both you and your baby healthy.
Ingesting high amounts of fiber during pregnancy could help fight against the dangerous effects of Celiac disease.
The Impacts of Celiac Disease
Approximately one in every 100 individuals has Celiac disease, and many who have the disease don’t even know it.
Celiac has the potential to cause discomfort and serious damage to the small intestine if it goes untreated for a long period of time.
Currently, the only known treatment for Celiac is following a gluten-free diet for life. This is not always easy, especially for young children who need to get the proper amount of nutrients every day.
It’s common for children to become picky eaters, and when this progresses, they could be nutrient-deficient growing up. This article on Serenity Kids listing healthy snacks for your picky eater can be a great resource. Because being a busy mom, planning your kid’s meal amidst all the chores you need to finish can be challenging. Having a go-to list can ensure that your kids will have a healthy meal to munch on as you stock up on these delightful snacks in your cupboard.
Celiac disease is genetic; if you have it, your baby could, too. Know the signs of the disease and how to prevent it to best care for yourself and your baby.
Symptoms of Celiac Disease
There are a few different ways that Celiac manifests itself in the body. Stomach aches, cramps, and nausea are some common signs of the signs of the disease.
Celiac can also be the cause of a severe skin rash, known as dermatitis herpetiformis, that is very painful and itchy. Diarrhea, bloating and fatigue can all be attributed to Celiac as well.
Mental illness, while infrequent, can also be caused by the presence of Celiac disease. Anxiety and depression are sometimes found in patients with Celiac.
Since it attacks both the immune and the digestive system, a diagnosis of Celiac disease is no joke. It is important to follow a strict gluten-free diet to maintain health.
Some Celiac disease symptoms are unrelated to the digestive system, which may mislead people suffering from it. Some of these symptoms are anemia, osteoporosis, mouth ulcers, joint pain, and problems with balance.
Celiac Disease in Young Children
Celiac disease is one of the most common gastrointestinal ailments from which people suffer.
Unfortunately, more children are showing signs of Celiac, causing parents much worry about the nutrients in their children’s diets.
Children between six months and two-years-old are often diagnosed with Celiac because that is the time they are introduced to new gluten-containing foods. Celiac disease can also become active later in life, even as late as in adulthood.
Because it is genetic, having parents or close relatives with Celiac disease could be an indication that your child might also have it. Be proactive by talking to your doctor and having early testing of your child.
Due to the prominence of Celiac in children, there are support groups for children with the disease. These help them become aware of great gluten-free foods they can enjoy and help them meet new people with similar challenges so they do not feel alone in their condition.
In children, the dire effects of Celiac disease will result in the inability to absorb good nutrients their body needs. This could also potentially lead to a short stature, damage to tooth enamel, delayed puberty, and weight loss. Celiac disease never goes away. Once it shows its face, it is there for life, only the symptoms can be managed.
Try to protect your child from a lifetime of struggling by eating a high fiber diet during pregnancy.
Fiber, Pregnancy, & Celiac — They’re All Connected
Fiber is a plant-based food product the body needs to manage digestion and help support a healthy heart.
Many adults don’t regularly get an adequate amount of fiber, but it is even more important to pay attention to nutrition during pregnancy to make sure you get the proper amount.
Fiber is great for the stomach, especially in people who suffer from Celiac disease. Gluten-free foods often do not contain as much fiber as those with gluten, so it is a good idea to include other higher fiber foods that can help give you the proper nutrients.
Fruits and vegetables are great sources of fiber; they are also gluten-free. Beans, lentils, and brown rice also contain high amounts of fiber that the body craves.
More than 45 grams of fiber every day during pregnancy could lessen the chance your child will have Celiac by 34%. Fiber from fruits and vegetables is the best option for reducing the risk of Celiac.
Although increasing fiber during pregnancy is not a proven prevention method, recent research indicates that following a higher fiber diet could reduce the risk of Celiac. The chance of prevention is worth taking when it could improve the health of your baby.
Celiac Disease Testing and Diagnoses
It is a sad truth that the majority of Celiac sufferers don’t know they have it. They might show one symptom at a time, chalking it up to a mere sick day or a bad night’s sleep.
The reality is that most people with the disease aren’t doing anything to reduce their symptoms, and could end up with serious damage to the small intestine.
If you suspect that you could have Celiac disease, it is always smart to ask a doctor or medical professional.
Before doing that, however, you can take a test at home from imawareTM. This simple test allows you to stay in the comfort of your own home and check for the presence of Celiac disease.
This at-home test recognizes biomarkers that are present in the body that could indicate the presence of Celiac disease.
If you have Celiac, there is a chance your child could too. Test yourself to be prepared for the possibility and see what you can do to prevent it in your child.
Ultimately, You Will Be Okay
Celiac disease is not always easy to live with, but it does not mean anything worse than a gluten-free diet if you recognize it early enough.
Don’t let the damage to your body and the discomfort you experience accumulate. Take preventative measures to care for yourself and your baby.
Leaving the disease undiagnosed could lead to permanent damage and serious side effects, so pay attention to your body and be a positive statistic. Take the test to receive the proper treatment for the healthiest life you can live.