Coffee Vodka Cocktails

Cocktails bring both fun and sophistication to any event, whether it’s a night in with friends or a big party gathering. There are many examples of liquors to bring that ‘grown up’ element into your drinks, so why have some fun creating coffee vodka cocktails? The beauty of using coffee in cocktails is its versatility. So many complimentary ingredients can be added, from special liqueurs to whipped cream (which you can easily make at home using a whipped cream dispenser and those N2O cream chargers which are available online) and chocolate! Simply add to elegant glasses and garnish like you would any other cocktail… Cheers and enjoy!

Smirnoff Espresso Martini

A twist on the classic Martini – A mix of vodka, espresso and baileys for a rich flavour. After mixing all the ingredients together, add ice and strain into a martini glass. (Pour over crushed ice for a simpler method) Garnish with coffee beans if desired.

What you need:

· 25 ml Smirnoff Vodka (for a more intense flavour use Smirnoff Espresso)

· 25ml Baileys Coffee Irish Cream Liqueur

· 25ml Espresso

· 10ml Honey

· 3 pieces of coffee beans

Smirnoff White Russian

Considered the ‘hipster drink’ of its time, this caffeine twist provides the perfect coffee vodka cocktail. With a slight kick of nutmeg, this creamy smooth drink will undoubtedly impress your guest. Again, mix with 25ml Smirnoff Vodka (espresso flavour if desired), 25ml Baileys Liqueur and the ingredients listed below. Add over ice and sprinkle with nutmeg.

What you need:

· 50ml Cream

· 25ml Baileys Liqueur

· Sprinkle of Nutmeg

· 25ml Smirnoff Vodka (espresso flavour if desired)

Chocolate Mocha Latte

What could be a more perfect accompaniment to your coffee vodka cocktail than chocolate? An alcoholic Starbucks in the comfort of your own home – bliss! Add milk or coffee liqueur to your espresso, pour over vodka and ice and cover in syrup.

What you need:

· 50ml espresso

· 110ml milk or 50ml coffee liqueur

· 3 tablespoons of chocolate syrup

· 25ml Smirnoff Vodka

Espresso Noir

For the ultimate coffee lover, this is the taste for you. The darkest and most intense coffee vodka cocktail comes from the origins of Grey Goose, Disaronno and espresso vodka. Make a syrup for your cocktail by mixing equal parts of sugar and hot water until it all dissolves. Strain all of the ingredients over ice, and top with cream and espresso beans if desired.

What you need:

· 35ml Grey Goose Cherry Noir

· Dash of Smirnoff Espresso Vodka and/or Disaronno

· 30ml Espresso

· Dash of syrup and cream

· Espresso beans

Raspberry Truffle

A mixture of intense fruity flavours, coffee and vodka means this is a tasty alternative addition to your vodka coffee cocktails. After mixing your ingredients, strain into a champagne flute for the ultimate tall cocktail. Garnish with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles for that extra ‘wow’ factor or as a naughty treat for yourself!

What you need:

· 30ml Smirnoff Vodka (use espresso flavour if desired)

· 30ml any coffee liquor

· 30ml raspberry liquor

· Whipped cream, chocolate & raspberry to garnish

All the above are examples of individual coffee vodka cocktail measurements – just increase for the number of people you are entertaining. For big events, these can easily be made into pitchers. Enjoy responsibly as using liquors and spirits as mixers mean these are off the scale in strength! The recipes used here are just guidelines, have fun and be creative! You never know what tasty coffee vodka cocktails you could find.

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Sharon is a PA to an arts director and has developed the perfect concoction of drinks to wind down with in the evenings.