Socati Continues to Innovative in the Rapidly Growing Industry of Hemp and CBD Products

Socati, a CBD and cannabinoid company based in Austin, Texas, has become a major player in the growing hemp industry. With a focus on products that provide broad-spectrum cannabinoids to customers, the company has quickly developed an outstanding reputation as the place for manufacturers to turn for the highest-quality products on the market.

These products contain CBD, CBG, and several other cannabinoids. The growth of the company has been monumental following its launch in 2018, leading to significant investment interest to the tune of over $40 million. The company garnered this investment amount over the course of two highly successful funding rounds. With the hemp and CBD market rapidly growing in the United States, Socati is becoming an industry leader through its high-quality broad-spectrum products.

The success that Socati has enjoyed over the past year is related to the firm’s two outstanding products. These broad-spectrum products are rich in CBD and CBG cannabinoids, among others. Manufacturing companies depend on these ingredients, as they contain non-detectable levels of THC. Customers of these businesses can rely on the diligent testing that goes into such pristine CBD and CBG products.

Socati’s client base relies on testing from a reliable third party in a facility that adheres to the highest standards. CEO Josh Epstein has noted that his company maintains a deep understanding of the quality that today’s consumers are looking for. This has led directly to Socati’s development of broad-spectrum CBD oil, as well as the announcement of the new water-soluble CBD powder.

With this in mind, the future of possibilities for Socati looks bright.

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