5 Fun Foods to Try With Your Family This Year

5-Fun-FoodsFood brings families together. Often, most of the time you spend with your family involves food so why not make it a little bit more exciting? Here are five fun foods to try with your family this year.


Have you gotten tired of pasta? Try spaetzle instead. It is a delicious egg noodle dish made in the southern regions of Germany and Austria and in nearby countries. It has a more interesting texture than pasta and tastes delicious. Spaetzle is yummy, but also pretty neutral tasting, so it can be paired with all sorts of foods. If you want to go the traditional route, pair it with meat or gravy.

Seafood Gumbo

We keep hearing that seafood is nutrient dense and very healthy. Seafood Gumbo is a great way to introduce more seafood into your diet. Is your family squeamish about the processing equipment crab is cleaned with or the fishy smell? Take their minds off of their fears by mixing seafood into this classic southern dish. It is tasty and the word “gumbo” is fun to say.

“Octopus Bread”

This yummy stuff isn’t usually called Octopus Bread, but that is the word my kid brother used to describe it, and it kind of stuck with the rest of the family. This braided bread is stuffed with goodies on the inside to make eating it a little more exciting. You can make something savory with chicken inside or use it as dessert and stuff it with apples and cinnamon. If calling it “octopus bread” makes it more fun for you, feel free to steal my brother’s term. Or make up a new one with your kids.


There is something about eating food on a stick that makes it more fun and exciting. Give the corn dogs a rest for something healthier, and make kebabs. The great thing about kebabs, is you can make them with almost anything. Traditionally they are made with meat and vegetables and then grilled or cooked over a fire, but you can also make them with fresh fruit like strawberries and bananas.

Ice Cream Made with Dry Ice

No list of fun food would be complete without dessert. Using dry ice to make homemade ice cream is quite simple and incredibly fun. It tastes delicious, and it is fun to watch the dry ice spread everywhere. Crush the dry ice ahead of time and then use a basic recipe with half and half, vanilla, heavy cream, sugar, and a tiny bit of salt. If you want more flavor, you can add berries or chocolate syrup. Once you have mixed the normal ingredients together in a large bowl, slowly add the dry ice while stirring. Stop adding the dry ice when you reach the consistency you want, and serve up delicious homemade ice cream.

Trying these foods with your family will be fun and bring everyone a little closer together in a way that only good food can. Have fun making and eating each dish together.


Michael David is a freelance blogger who loves writing about Health and Food related topics. To learn a little more about how seafood is made, check out C & W Industrial Fabrication.

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