Is Texas giving extra food stamps this month

Texas is giving extra food stamps this month. The state agency in charge of the SNAP food stamp program announced its decision to release $200 Million in food stamps to help Texans go towards their grocery bills. The USDA also plans on providing $100 million in additional assistance to local governments across the state. DEFICIT has been reduced by increased spending due to unemployment insurance and SNAP.

 Texas Will Provide Extra Food Stamps This Month

Texas will provide extra food stamps this month to help Texans who have been affected by the severe weather that has plagued the state.

A spokeswoman for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission confirmed Friday that the state will provide extra food stamps to qualified residents through March 31.

The program, which is known as Disaster SNAP, provides additional benefits for those impacted by an event. The commission says residents can visit its website at to apply for Disaster SNAP benefits and find more information about eligibility requirements.

In addition to providing extra benefits through March 31, Texas has also extended its disaster declaration for counties affected by floods and tornadoes until Oct. 3, according to a news release from Gov. Greg Abbott’s office.”

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission said it would issue $1.7 million in food stamps to help pay for meals for eligible families who normally receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Texas Residents Who Receive Food Stamps Are Getting Additional Benefits This Month.

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission announced Friday that it giving extra food stamps this month to help people who were affected by Hurricane Harvey.Texas residents who receive food stamps are getting additional benefits this month.

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission announced Friday that its giving extra food stamps this month to help people who were affected by Hurricane Harvey.

The commission says the $1 million in extra benefits will be given out to more than 1 million households in counties declared disaster areas after the storm.

The state is also providing more than $5 million in temporary crisis grants for low-income families whose utilities have been shut off because of Harvey.

The commission says more than 4,000 households have applied for temporary crisis grants so far. “This is a good thing,” said Elizabeth Mueller, policy analyst for the Center for Public Policy Priorities, a left-leaning think tank based in Austin. “But it’s not going to solve the problem.”

They Are Receiving a Benefit Called TheSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Or SNAP.

  • Some families are getting extra food stamps this month.
  • They are receiving a benefit called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP.
  • It’s not something they have to apply for, it’s what they get every month.
  • The Texas Health and Human Services Commission says it is part of the economic stimulus package passed by congress last year.
  • The stimulus money pays for an additional $5 million worth of food stamp benefits in Texas.

This Program Helps People Put Food on The Table During Times Of High Unemployment.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly called food stamps, provides money for groceries to low-income people. It is funded by the federal government, but each state runs its own program according to federal guidelines.

Texas’ SNAP program is called the Lone Star Card and is run by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).

In 2010, Congress passed a law that increases SNAP benefits when unemployment rates are high. This program helps people put food on the table during times of high unemployment.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly called food stamps, provides money for groceries to low-income people. It is funded by the federal government, but each state runs its own program according to federal guidelines.

Texas’ SNAP program is called the Lone Star Card and is run by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).

In 2010, Congress passed a law that increases SNAP benefits when unemployment rates are high. This program helps people put food on the table during times of high unemployment.

Texas Residents Who Receive Food Stamps Are Getting Additional Benefits This Month.

Texas residents who receive food stamps are getting additional benefits this month. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission is giving eligible households extra food stamp benefits this month. That’s because of a glitch in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps.

The Department of Agriculture announced the increase in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, benefits Thursday.

The average monthly benefit per person will rise by $13 or 10 percent, to $126. The increase is tied to a cost-of-living adjustment called for in the 2009 Recovery Act and approved by Congress in 2010.

The higher payments are expected to last through September 2020.

More than 1 million Texans received SNAP benefits in February 2019. That number has decreased steadily since 2013 as people have found work and wages have increased.


The Texas Health and Human Services Commission announced that Texas will be offering more than an extra $220 million in food stamps funding this month. The funds come from a pool of money that comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which periodically distributes extra food aid when certain economic factors align. For example, participating states receive additional funds if the monthly average unemployment rate is at least one percent higher than it was the previous year. Luckily for Texas, unemployment rates have been high in the past year—which means the state gets to allocate more funds to its food stamp program.