How Long Can Budgies Go Without Food

Budgies can survive a long time without food. In the wild, budgies often forage for food however it may not be available all the time and this can cause them to go long periods without eating. Fortunately, domesticated pet budgies do not have to work to find their food which makes a ‘fast’ from the food bowl much easier. But just how long can budgies go without food?

 How Long Can Budgies Go Without Food

There is a lot of conflicting information out there about how long budgies can go without food. Some sources say that it is possible for budgies to survive two weeks without food, while others say that they can only last a few days. So, what’s the truth?

The answer lies in understanding how long it takes for a budgie to die from starvation and how much energy they have stored up in their bodies.

The average lifespan of a budgie is around 10 years, with some living up to 20 years if cared for properly. This means that if you have an adult budgie and are wondering how long they can go without food, then you should be able to safely leave them without food for at least three days before they start suffering any serious health issues.

Budgies typically store fat in their bodies, so they have enough energy stored up to last around three days without food before they start starving to death or suffering from other health issues related to starvation like hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

 Feeding Your Budgie Correctly

Budgies are very active birds and need a high-energy diet to keep them healthy. They are not finicky eaters and will readily eat a variety of seeds, grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Budgies should be given fresh food daily, although they can survive on seed alone if necessary. However, this is not recommended because it can lead to malnutrition and other health problems.

Pelleted foods are often recommended for budgies, but these are often low in fat and protein, so they should not be considered as a sole diet but rather as an addition to seeds or other foods.

It’s important that you feed your budgie the right amount of food at each mealtime: too much or too little can be fatal. It takes a lot of work for a bird’s body to digest all that food, so overfeeding can quickly cause digestive problems such as diarrhea or even death!

The Digestive System of Budgies

The digestive system of a budgie is relatively simple and straight forward. The food is consumed and passes through the esophagus into the crop, where it is stored. From there it passes into the proventriculus, which is responsible for grinding up the food. It then moves into the gizzard, where it is ground up even further by stones that are swallowed by birds to aid in digestion. From there, it goes on to the small intestine where nutrients are absorbed into the body. The waste material from this process is then expelled from the body as feces through the cloaca (an opening found at both ends of birds).

In addition to eating and drinking, your budgie needs exercise! Exercise for budgies should include climbing up and down cages as well as flying around inside them. Without regular exercise, your bird may become overweight or obese which can lead to health issues such as heart disease and diabetes. Make sure you buy a cage that has plenty of room for climbing and flying around if you don’t want to spend time outside your bird’s cage doing this yourself!

How Often Should You Feed Your Budgie Every Day?

Budgies are small, quick birds that are very active. While they are not as demanding as parrots, they still need a lot of attention and food. The daily feeding schedule for budgies is quite simple and should be done at the same time every day.

The recommended feeding schedule for budgies is as follows:

  • 5am – 8am: Morning meal
  • 9am – 12pm: Lunch/midday meal
  • 1pm – 4pm: Afternoon meal
  • 5pm – 7pm: Evening meal

What to Feed Your Budgie?

Budgies tend to eat almost anything, including grass seeds and the occasional insect, but they are primarily seed eaters. Most budgie owners feed their birds commercial seed mixtures, which usually contain sunflower seeds and millet. While these foods are nutritionally balanced and can be fed regularly, it’s important to mix them up with other foods as well.

Budgies need a balanced diet that contains all the essential vitamins and minerals needed for good health. This doesn’t mean you have to go out and buy a supplement or special food just for your budgie; there are plenty of everyday foods that will provide just what they need.

All-purpose birdseed mix is an excellent source of nutrition for budgies. It contains many types of seeds, including corn and millet. You can also try making your own homemade pellets using wheat flour, oats, and cornmeal.


The amount of time a budgie will be able to go without food will depend on the individual bird. Some may be able to go for up to five days, while others will succumb after only two. The number of birds in the cage and their activity levels, as well as their size, can all make a difference. If you’re curious about how long your pet can survive without food, keep a close eye on it over the course of the week, then see how long it lasts into the weekend.