How Long After Spraying Roundup Can I Plant Food Plot

Regardless of whether you’re a seasoned farmer or a hunter looking to secure your own source of food, you’ll want to know how long after spraying Roundup (weed killer) before planting a food plot. There are many different opinions out there on how long after spraying Roundup before planting and we hope to answer all those questions in this article.

 Roundup Will Not Control Annuals That Germinate After Spraying.

Roundup will not control annuals that germinate after spraying. Annuals are plants that complete their life cycle in one year, including corn, soybeans and wheat.

Roundup will kill most broadleaf weeds, but it does not control grasses. Grass species such as ryegrass and bermudagrass are difficult to control with glyphosate herbicides because they have a thick mat of fine roots that prevents chemical absorption.

If you use Roundup on an area where you want to plant food plot forages, make sure you spray any annual weeds before planting seed or establishing transplants or plugs.

If you apply Roundup now, it won’t control these annuals. However, if you wait until after planting your food plot seedlings and then spray with Roundup, the annuals won’t come up at all.

It Takes Five to Seven Days for The Herbicide To Be Activated By Moisture.

It takes five to seven days for the herbicide to be activated by moisture. The application should be made on a cloudy or rainy day, or two days after rain. The reason for this is that the Roundup will be inactivated if it dries out before it has time to soak into the soil.

  • If you are planning on planting food plots, it is best to wait until after the third week of August. This gives the Roundup enough time to break down before you plant your seeds.
  • The best time to spray with Roundup is in late summer and early fall when weeds are actively growing and producing seeds.
  • If you want to plant food plot seeds in your sprayed field, wait at least two weeks after spraying Roundup. This will allow enough time for the herbicide to degrade and for the soil to dry out.

How long after spraying Roundup can you plant?

It all depends . . .

There are several variables at work when it comes to planting after spraying with Roundup.

When is it OK to continue?

The amount of time that must pass before another planting can vary depending on the product that was used and the type of plant that will be grown. If you used Roundup® Ready-To-Use Weed & Grass Killer III, for instance, you’ll only have to wait one day before you can plant your preferred ornamentals in the ground after applying the product. (This makes weekend projects a breeze!) However, if you have recently removed poison ivy from your landscape, you should wait at least a month before replanting in that area. This will allow the region to recover from the treatment.

Always check the label of your Roundup product for specifics on when to plant after spraying. There are several different types of Roundup products available for gardeners, and each different type has a differing schedule for planting after spraying.

One day

The one day after rule usually holds for all ornamental flowers, such as hollyhocks and nasturtiums; shrubs, such as blackberry and viburnum; and ornamental trees such as tulip trees and crab apple. 

Three days

It is safe to plant grass seeds 3 days after spraying with Roundup. Of course, you must take into account the time of year and probability of precipitation. Early spring is often the best time to plant grass seed, unless heavy rains  and high winds are forecast.

Fruit trees may also be planted the third day after spraying. Just make sure that a good mulch is used to surround the saplings to help keep any residue from being picked up by their delicate roots.

You can safely plant vegetables the third day after spraying as well.

You should also wait about two weeks after seeding a food plot before using a fertilizer containing phosphorous, such as bone meal or superphosphate. Phosphorous can kill young plants by interfering with photosynthesis, which is how plants convert light energy into chemical energy.

Apply The Roundup When Weather Conditions Are Favorable

The best time to apply Roundup is when the weeds are growing vigorously and before they flower. This usually occurs in late May through July.

You should apply the Roundup when weather conditions are favorable. It is important to do this when the plants are dry or if it has rained within 24 hours of spraying. If you can find a dry day, that would be ideal. However, if you have to spray on a wet day, just allow the rain to dry up as much as possible before you apply the chemical.

  • Do not apply Roundup when temperatures are below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or above 86 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).
  • There are several things to consider when applying Roundup:
  • The best time to spray is when conditions are favorable. Avoid windy days or rainy weather because they can cause drift onto other plants or crops that you don’t want sprayed.
  • It’s important that you wait until all weeds have emerged from the soil before spraying them with Roundup. If you spray before weeds emerge, you won’t kill any weeds at all — just your good grasses!

If You Have Roundup, You Can Spray It Again After 7 To 14 Days.

You should wait before planting a food plot or reseeding an existing food plot area with a non-glyphosate herbicide such as Terrazole. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, and it’s what kills the weeds. If you don’t wait for the weeds to die before using other herbicides, they could be damaged or killed by your application of Terrazole or another herbicide.

If your only goal is killing the weeds, then spraying Roundup is all that’s needed. However, if you want to plant something besides weeds — such as clover or millet — then waiting for the glyphosate to work its magic isn’t enough.

The reason for waiting is that Roundup can be absorbed by plants before it dries. If this happens, it can kill your new plants. If you spray too soon, there’s also a chance that some of the herbicide will remain active in the soil after the spray dries and could come back up with rain or irrigation water later on.

Use A Surfactant with Roundup To Help It Contact Weeds

If you’re planting food plots, it’s best to plant them as soon as possible after a weed control treatment. A good rule of thumb is to wait seven days after your last spray application before you plant. This will give the herbicide time to work its way through the plant’s system and kill it. You do not want to plant any new grasses or other plants until the herbicide has had time to work its way through the weeds’ systems.

If you’re using Roundup, you’ll need to use a surfactant with the herbicide to help it make contact with the leaves of your weeds. The surfactant also helps prevent drift from causing damage to surrounding plants and crops.

You should wait at least 30 days after applying Roundup before planting any plants in your food plot because of the herbicide’s residual effects. Roundup has a long-term effect on plants and doesn’t dissipate quickly in the environment. Although various studies indicate that Roundup breaks down into harmless elements within weeks or months, it’s best to wait until any residual effects from spraying have faded from the soil before planting new plants. This will help prevent accidental poisoning of livestock or wildlife that may eat these plants later on.


So as not to get a negative reaction from this herbicide, apply Roundup at least two weeks before planting a food plot to ensure adequate off-season absorption by the weeds. In this way, the weeds will die and will not negatively affect the future growth of the food plot.

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