Have You Ever Wondered What Your Prostate Is, What it Does, What’s Normal?

So many men have no idea what their prostate is, what it actually does, or even what problems they should seek medical help for. Educating men about their prostate health is the best tool available to ensure you are dealing with problems the right way when necessary.  

Let’s Talk About What Your Prostate Does

Your prostate is a small walnut sized gland that forms a part of your male reproductive system. Your prostate is located below your bladder and in front of your rectum. It surrounds the tube in your penis that carries your urine from your bladder, known as the urethra. 

The Prostate Grows As You Age

Your prostate grows larger as you age, this is normal for mostly all men. By your 40’s your prostate probably doubled in size by your 60’s it will now be the size of a lemon instead of a walnut.

Since your bladder surrounds your urethra, when your prostate swells it squeezes your urethra. This leads to complications when peeing. These problems can start early on for some men, for most it can start in their late 40’s and early 50’s. This condition is known as BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia. This condition is not cancerous.

Who Is More Prone To BPH

Your family history, exercise, eating habits, lifestyle, and age are all important factors that may increase your risk of BPH. A few statistics on that:

  • 90% of men over the age of 85 will have BPH
  • 8 out of every 10 men can develop an enlarged prostate
  • 30% of men have severe symptoms

Symptoms of BPH

You may have BPH if you are frequently and urgently urinating, especially at night. Other possible symptoms:

  • You may start and stop urinating 
  • You feel an urgent need to urinate
  • You have to strain or push to get any urine out
  • You are unable to empty your bladder

Possible Treatments 

How you and your medical provider decide to manage your BPH depends on how severe your condition is, your age, and more. 

  • Start taking supplements to support your prostate health
    • There are a variety of different supplements you can take on a daily basis that will help you proactively care for your prostate. ProstaGenix is a leading prostate supplement which was found by Consumer Lab to have the highest levels of sterols per dose.
  • Lifestyle Changes
    • This may be one of the most important steps you can take to treat your prostate issues. You should start exercising daily, eating fish, vegetables, and fruit. Cut back on alcohol, caffeine, and quit smoking. 
  • Medicine
    • If you are still experiencing severe symptoms after you have already made significant changes in your lifestyle as well as started taking supplements that support your prostate health you may need to take medicine such as:
      • Alpha-blockers
      • 5-Alpha reductase inhibitors
      • 5-ARI’s
  • Surgery
    • If you have taken all the above steps and you are still experiencing severe issues with your prostate health you may need surgery. 


If you have an infection and severe inflammation of your prostate this is known as prostatitis. This is not the same condition as BPH, although the symptoms can be very similar.

Prostatitis can affect as early as their teens to old age. Some of the symptoms of prostatitis are:

  • Chills and fevers
  • Unable to urinate
  • Sexual issues

These symptoms are typically treated with antibiotics. You may have a higher chance of contracting bacterial prostatitis if you have recently had a medical instrument or catheter inserted in your urethra.

Prostate Exams

Medical providers can utilize different tests some of these include:

  • Prostate biopsy
  • Digital rectal exam
  • A blood test known as Prostate-specific antigen test

Prostate Cancer and Screening 

The American Cancer Society says you should talk to your doctor about the benefits, risks, and limits of prostate cancer screening before deciding whether to be tested. You should have this discussion with your doctor:

  • At 45 you may have a higher chance of prostate cancer: this includes African-Americans and men who have a father, brother, or son who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer at 65 or younger
  • When you are 50 or if you have a chance for prostate cancer
  • At age 40 for men who have more than 1 first-degree relative (father, brother, or son) diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age

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