How Long Can Yellow Jackets Live Without Food

How long can yellow jackets live without food depends upon many factors, including their size and the time of year. Yellow jacket wasp (Vespula maculifrons) queens are the largest of the Vespula species and can live up to three years in a nest. These nests may last up to twenty years. It is not uncommon to find these wasps in fall and winter months since they can survive off sweet sap from decaying wood.

 How Long Do Yellow Jackets Live?

Yellow jackets are large, aggressive wasps that can be found in the United States. There are more than 30 species of yellow jackets, but most have a similar appearance and life cycle. Yellow jackets live for about one year, so they are not long-lived insects.

  • How Long Do Yellow Jackets Live?

The length of time that yellow jackets live is dependent upon the temperature and availability of food sources. In the winter months when temperatures drop below freezing, they will hibernate until spring arrives. However, if they are unable to find a suitable place to hibernate, they may die before spring arrives.

In the summer months when temperatures rise above 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius), yellow jackets live between two to three months. They thrive in warm climates where there is plenty of food available for them to eat. If they are unable to find enough food or if it rains too much during their breeding season, then populations will decline rapidly, and many may die off before winter arrives again.

 Do Yellow Jackets Hibernate?

Yellow jackets are social wasps that live in colonies of up to several thousand individuals. These colonies generally have one or more queens, but the rest of the colony consists mostly of sterile female workers and males. The queen is responsible for laying eggs and producing more queens, while the sterile workers care for the young and defend the nest from predators.

Yellow jackets usually feed on nectar, fruit juices and other sweet substances that they find in flowers, but they also scavenge for meat or other high-protein foods when necessary. They eat dead animals and even human food left out on picnic tables, so they sometimes become pests around homes and campsites.

  • Yellow Jackets Do Not Hibernate

Unlike many species of wasps and bees, yellow jackets do not hibernate during winter months. Instead, they remain active all year long in order to protect their nests from predators like raccoons and skunks who might try to eat them. This makes it possible for yellow jackets to survive even when there isn’t enough food available outside during winter months — especially when temperatures are warm enough for them to stay active outside all day long instead of hiding inside their nests until evening comes around again!

Yellow Jackets Can Go a Surprising Amount Of Time Without Food.

Yellow jackets are one of the most common and recognizable stinging insects in North America. They are also known as “wasps” or “bees” even though they are not bees at all. Yellow jackets are part of the wasp family, which means that they do not produce honey but rather feed on nectar from flowers and other sources. These insects live together in colonies and typically make their nests underground or in trees or shrubs, but yellow jackets also build nests in manmade structures such as attics or wall voids where they can easily access food sources.

In order to survive, yellow jacket colonies must have an ample supply of food available at all times, so it is important to know how long a colony can go without feeding before it dies off completely.

  • How Long Can Yellow Jackets Live Without Food?

It is possible for a single yellow jacket to go without eating for several months if it finds enough moisture in its environment, but this is unusual because these insects prefer to eat daily if possible.

 Can Yellow Jackets Survive the Winter?

In general, most yellow jackets die off during the winter months. These insects are unable to fly in temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. They also have difficulty finding food when it’s cold outside.

During these colder months, you may see fewer yellow jackets around your home or yard. This is because most of them have died off or gone into hibernation mode. There are some species of yellow jackets that don’t hibernate during the winter months and others that do but only in small numbers. If you live in an area where winters aren’t too harsh, you may still see some yellow jackets outside during the winter months.

Yellow jackets, also known as wasps, are social insects that live in colonies. The queen lays eggs and the workers take care of the offspring. Yellow jackets feed on nectar, fruit juices and small insects. In the spring, they are active during daylight hours and can be seen flying around flowers on sunny days.

They can also be found in garbage cans or dumpsters looking for food scraps. If they find a way into your home or yard, they will sting you if they feel threatened or disturbed in any way.

  • Yellow Jacket Life Cycle

During the summer months, yellow jackets have a lifespan of about 20 days but can live up to 6 weeks without food or water. In winter months when there is no food available for them to eat, their lifespan is shorter — about 3 months without food or water.

 Do Yellow Jackets Eat Meat?

Yellow jackets are not carnivorous. They eat nectar, honeydew, and other sweet foods. They also will feed on insects and meat that they find in trash cans, compost piles and other areas where food is plentiful.

Yellow jackets are considered social insects and live in large colonies in the spring and summer months. The queen lays eggs which turn into larvae and pupae before becoming adults. Once they reach adulthood, yellow jackets build their nests out of wood pulp or soil in walls, attics or under decks.

  • Do Yellow Jackets Eat Meat?

The answer to this question is yes and no. yellow jackets do not have a diet that consists primarily of meat, but they will eat meat if it’s available to them. The yellow jacket is one of the most common species of wasp that can be found throughout North America, but its diet does not consist mainly of meat like some other species of wasp such as the hornet or paper wasp do. The main concern with yellow jackets is when they meet humans because they tend to attack when provoked so you must be careful when dealing with them around your home or other areas where they might be living in large numbers such as at a campsite or picnic area where trash may be present with food scraps.


Now that you know how long a yellow jacket can live without eating, how should you go about dealing with them next time they decide to stop in at your house? It’s difficult to get rid of them on your own but most pest control companies can help you with that.