How Long Can Goldfish Go Without Food

Goldfish are the most common fish kept as pets. They are very hardy, and easy to care for. Yet there is a myth about how long a goldfish can go without food. Is there really such thing? Do you worry about your fish if it stays away from the feeding bowl for too long? The answer may surprise you. So, keep on reading this article to find out more.

 Why Do Goldfish Go Without Food?

Goldfish can go without food for weeks, but they won’t be happy about it. They might even die.

Goldfish aren’t like some other fish species. Some fish have the ability to fast for months at a time, living off their fat stores. But goldfish have a much shorter fasting period than other types of fish, and when they do not eat for too long, they can become ill and stressed.

Goldfish are most active during daylight hours, so if you feed them in the evening or at night, they may not get enough food before morning arrives. In addition, if your tank is too small or crowded with other animals (such as snails), there may not be enough food for everyone to eat their fill.

  • What Happens If You Don’t Feed Your Goldfish?

If you don’t feed your fish regularly and they don’t have anything else to eat, they will start eating each other! This is called cannibalism among aquarium fish keepers, who see it as a sign of poor husbandry practices and lack of proper care on their part.

 How Long Can Goldfish Go Without Food?

Goldfish can survive for weeks without food, but they need to be fed on a regular basis to maintain good health. If you feed them too much or too little, it could be fatal.

The amount of food you should give your goldfish depends on the type of fish you have and its size. A small goldfish might eat between 1-5% of its body weight each day, while a larger one might eat 10%. However, this is just an estimate and there are many factors that can affect how much food your goldfish will need. One way to find out is by weighing your fish before and after feeding it for a few days to see how much it eats on average each day.

Goldfish can survive for weeks without food, but they need to be fed on a regular basis to maintain good health. If you feed them too much or too little, it could be fatal.

How Do Goldfish Behave When There Is Less Food Available?

Goldfish can go without food for long periods of time. They are not like tropical fish that require a constant supply of live food. They will survive on dry food, frozen or freeze-dried foods, and even some types of algae.

It is said that goldfish don’t care about what they eat. That is not true. Goldfish do care about what they eat. They do not like to eat dead things or things that are too big for them to swallow.

If you watch your goldfish carefully, you will notice that they have different eating habits at different times of the day. For example, some goldfish feed at night and others during the day. Their diet also changes with their growth rate and maturity level.

As fry, they feed on small insects that come into the tank or feeder bugs or worms from outside the tank (if there are any). As juveniles, they begin to eat flakes or pellets as well as frozen bloodworms or daphnia. As adults, they can be fed flakes and pellets exclusively but their diet should include live foods such as brine shrimp, mosquito larvae , tubifex worms , daphnia , and bloodworms .

What Happens to A Goldfish When There Is No Food?

Goldfish are one of the most familiar types of aquarium fish and are often kept in ponds as well. They are also popular as pets, especially among children. Goldfish have been bred for their bright colors, but it is important to remember that they can live for many years and grow quite large.

The first thing that happens when you don’t feed your goldfish is that it starves to death. This usually takes a few days or weeks depending on how big the fish is and how much food it needs to survive. Once the fish starts to starve, its weight will decrease until it reaches a point where it cannot move or swim anymore. The lack of nutrition may also affect its ability to reproduce successfully, so if you want babies then you should make sure they get enough food!

In fact, goldfish have been known to survive up to six months without any food at all. However, this is not recommended, and you should always feed your fish at least twice a week.

When they are fed regularly, they will grow just fine, but if they are not fed regularly the chances are that they will stop growing and their health will suffer.

The more often you feed them, the healthier they will be and the less likely it is that they will get diseases or parasites in their tank.

Signs Of Hunger in Goldfish

Goldfish are omnivorous and will eat anything from vegetables to insects. They tend to overeat so it’s important to monitor the amount of food you give them.

If your goldfish is hungry, there are certain signs that you can look for to determine if it needs more food or if it’s just trying to tell you something else. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to feed your goldfish.

  • Picking at Food

One indicator that your fish is getting hungry is if they start picking at their food more than usual. This means they’re probably ready for more but aren’t sure how much they need. If you see this behavior, feed them just enough to keep them happy without overfeeding them.

  • Eating Their Own Waste

Another sign that your fish needs more food is if they start eating their own waste (poop). This happens when they aren’t getting enough nutrients from the food in their tank and are looking for other sources of nutrition.


Goldfish can live without food for quite a while, but experts don’t recommend making it a standard practice. Most reports say that two or three days is the longest they can go without eating with minimal side effects. However, if you plan on keeping your goldfish in an aquarium and you leave the food at the bottom of the tank, then extended periods without eating are possible. When your fish has lived in the aquarium for a long time, or its stomach is full of other food, it may really struggle to digest live food. In these cases, it’s better to not feed so that your goldfish can recover from this issue more quickly.